Your IPRA journey

Once you join, you start an IPRA journey at the pace of your choosing. A first step could be to join one of our regional or thematic Chapters, or to write an essay for the website or host a webinar. As a member you could be a judge for the Golden World Awards where you will meet with our board members and see a host of great campaigns. That may encourage you to join our Board to represent your geographical region. And the next stop could be President speaking to PR events as a global authority. We encourage you to start this journey with us. Below are a few other reasons why.

Recognizing that members wish to engage with IPRA in different ways we offer two paid-for membership levels: the costs and benefits vary with the level. Membership runs for a year from the payment date. And importantly via the act of joining you agree to uphold the IPRA Code to demonstrate to the Globe that you practise ethical PR.

Standard Membership Professional Membership
Listed in the on-line IPRA directory
Professional endorsement
Right to claim you follow the IPRA Code
Right to put MIPRA after your name
Use of IPRA logo on business cards, website, letterhead
Certificate of Membership
Professional development
Weekly Thought Leadership Essays
IPRA speakers list for PR conferences
Contribute to Thought Leadership Essays
Right to attend events
Right to vote
Right to hold office
Judge the Golden World Awards
20% off PR books
10% Irish Academy of PR training
UK CIPR PR training
ICCO conferences
IPRA endorsed conferences
15% IPRA web advertising
Global promotion of your business
Create a thought-leadership Gold Paper
Personal + business bio on IPRA website
Pricing Standard Membership
£250.00 / yr
Professional Membership
£350.00 / yr
Join / Renew Join / Renew