An invitation to our LinkedIn Members
All full IPRA members subscribe to the IPRA code of conduct to demonstrate their ethical approach to PR.
IPRA invites you to complete the form below and press send to also demonstrate you support an ethical approach to PR. In doing so, you are saying something about yourself and invite us to send you PR-related communications from time to time. You can read the code in English and a number of other languages below.
Throughout its
A key part of this has been the development of a number of Codes and Charters seeking to provide an ethical framework for the activities of the profession. Upon joining IPRA all members undertake to uphold these Codes and in doing so benefit from the ethical climate that they create.
In 2011 these Codes were consolidated into a single document updated to reflect the age in which we now live.
The “IPRA Code of Conduct”
Adopted in 2011 the IPRA Code of Conduct is an affirmation of professional and ethical conduct by members of the International Public Relations Association and recommended to public relations practitioners worldwide.
The Code consolidates the 1961 Code of Venice, the 1965 Code of Athens and the 2007 Code of Brussels.
- RECALLING the Charter of the United Nations which determines “to reaffirm faith in fundamental human rights, and in the dignity and worth of the human person”;
- RECALLING the 1948 “Universal Declaration of Human Rights" and especially recalling Article 19;
- RECALLING that public relations, by fostering the free flow of information, contributes to the interests of all stakeholders;
- RECALLING that the conduct of public relations and public affairs provides essential democratic representation to public authorities;
- RECALLING that public relations practitioners through their wide-reaching communication skills possess a means of influence that should be restrained by the observance of a code of professional and ethical conduct;
- RECALLING that channels of communication such as the Internet and other digital
media, are channels where erroneous or misleading information may be widely disseminated and remain unchallenged, and therefore demand special attention from public relations practitioners to maintain trust and credibility; - RECALLING that the Internet and other digital media demand special care with respect to the personal privacy of individuals, clients, employers and colleagues;
In the conduct of public relations practitioners shall:
1. Observance
Observe the principles of the UN Charter and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights;
2. Integrity
Act with honesty and integrity at all times so as to secure and retain the confidence of those with whom the practitioner comes into contact;
3. Dialogue
Seek to establish the moral, cultural and intellectual conditions for dialogue, and recognise the rights of all parties involved to state their case and express their views;
4. Transparency
Be open and transparent in declaring their name, organisation and the interest they represent;
5. Conflict
Avoid any professional conflicts of interest and to disclose such conflicts to affected parties when they occur;
6. Confidentiality
Honour confidential information provided to them;
7. Accuracy
Take all reasonable steps to ensure the truth and accuracy of all information provided;
8. Falsehood
Make every effort to not intentionally disseminate false or misleading information, exercise proper care to avoid doing so unintentionally and correct any such act promptly;
9. Deception
Not obtain information by deceptive or dishonest means;
10. Disclosure
Not create or use any organisation to serve an announced cause but which actually serves an undisclosed interest;
11. Profit
Not sell for profit to third parties copies of documents obtained from public authorities;
12. Remuneration
Whilst providing professional services, not accept any form of payment in connection with those services from anyone other than the principal;
13. Inducement
Neither directly nor indirectly offer nor give any financial or
14. Influence
Neither propose nor undertake any action which would constitute an improper influence on public representatives, the media, or other stakeholders;
15. Competitors
Not intentionally injure the professional reputation of another practitioner;
16. Poaching
Not seek to secure another practitioner’s client by deceptive means;
17. Employment
When employing personnel from public authorities or competitors take care to follow the rules and confidentiality requirements of those organisations;
18. Colleagues
Observe this Code with respect to fellow IPRA members and public relations practitioners worldwide.
IPRA members shall, in upholding this Code, agree to abide by and help enforce the disciplinary procedures of the International Public Relations Association in regard to any breach of this Code.
Adopted by the IPRA Board 5 November 2010
This consolidated code is available in following languages:
I support the IPRA Code
Frequently Asked Questions
The attached list of FAQS has been compiled to assist in the understanding of the Code
IPRA would like to thank those who contributed to the translations
Adopted in 1961 and amended in 2009, the Code of Venice is an undertaking of professional conduct by members of the International Public Relations Association and recommended to Public Relations practitioners worldwide.
Adopted in 1965 and amended in 1968 and 2009, the Code of Athens is an undertaking of ethical behaviour by members of the International Public Relations Association and recommended to Public Relations practitioners worldwide.
Adopted in 2007 and amended in 2009, the Code of Brussels is an undertaking of ethical conduct on public affairs by members of the International Public Relations Association and recommended to Public Relations practitioners worldwide.
Latest Ipra ITL:

ITL #619 Managing emerging global risks: where strategic communications comes in

ITL #618 The ‘Campaignification’ of the Global South: the need for a new approach

ITL #617 Sport partnerships: prepare well and play hard

ITL #616 Strategic health communication: bridging public relations and global crisis management