ABA Chapter
While IPRA is a global community of PR practitioners, there is also a need to network and meet locally. The Alpe-Balkan-Adria Chapter (ABA Chapter) brings together IPRA members from this region in South East Europe.
Currently there are members from the following countries:
Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, Serbia, Slovenia.
In line with the IPRA mission of leading trust and ethics in global communication, the ABA
Chapter will:
- Promote trusted and ethical public relations in the region;
- Transfer global knowledge and experience to the region;
- Encourage continual professional development for PR practitioners in the region;
- Forge new relationships with professional and business associations in the region;
- Recruit new members to IPRA from within the region;
- Encourage increased number of GWA entries from the region.
For information on how to participate please contact the IPRA Secretariat using our contact
form here.
Latest Ipra ITL:

ITL #617 Sport partnerships: prepare well and play hard

ITL #616 Strategic health communication: bridging public relations and global crisis management

ITL #615 PR pros, ditch your butter knife: bring out the sword!

ITL #614 Integrating communications into cybersecurity incident response plans: crucial to protect brand and reputation