GWA 2025: Categories

Categories hve increased this year and we have put them into two groups. For the 49 categories Agency and In-house are judged separately. Agencies may not submit In-house entries. Categories are grouped into PR Disciplines and PR Sectors. You may just do a single entry but your chances of winning will increase is you enter each campaign as a Discipline and a Sector.

PR Disciplines

1. Artificial Intelligence for content AICONTENT

For the use of AI in the content of a PR campaign.

2. Artificial Intelligence for crisis management AICRISIS

For excellence in deploying AI tools to respond to a crisis in real time.

3. Artificial Intelligence for measurement AIMEASURE

For innovative use of AI data analytics to measure effectiveness.

4. Climate change and literacy CLIMATE

For a PR campaign on climate change issues or education.

5. Community relations COMREL

For a PR campaign that helped engage a community in some specific way.

6. Corporate communications CORPCOM

For excellence in enhancing a company’s reputation through communications.

7. Corporate responsibility CORPRES

For a PR campaign demonstrating excellence in corporate social responsibility.

8. Crisis and issues management CRISIS

For excellent communications management during a crisis or similar issue.

9. Digital and social media creativity DIGITAL

For a purely digital PR campaign showing creativity in its use of social media.

10. Environmental ENV

For a PR campaign on an environmental or ecological issue.

11. Environmental, social, and governance ESG

For a campaign using an ESG framework to understand sustainability.

12. Influencer relations INFLUENCE

For a PR campaign where the result was largely determined by social media influencers.

13. Integration of traditional and new media INTEG

For the creative integration of traditional and social media in a PR campaign.

14. Internal communications INTERNAL

For a creative internal communications campaign that engaged personnel.

15. International campaign INTL

For a coordinated PR campaign in more than one country.

16. Media relations MEDIA

For a PR campaign which showed impressive media reach.

17. Podcasts and video POD

For a PR campaign that primarily used podcasts or short video.

18. PR on a low budget PRLOW

For a creative PR campaign on a low budget.

19. Public affairs PUBLICAF

For lobbying that influenced or changed public policy.

20. Reputation and brand management REPUTE

For the creative positioning of a company image or brand.

21. Sustainability communications SUST

For a PR campaign promoting sustainability.

PR Sectors

22. Agriculture AGRI

For a PR campaign in the agricultural or farming sector.

23. Arts and entertainment ARTS

For a PR campaign in arts or entertainment.

24. Business-to-business B2B

For a business-to-business PR campaign.

25. Construction CONSTRUCT

For a PR campaign about construction, real estate or architecture.

26. Consumer product launch CONSUMPRODL

For creative PR activities around the launch of a consumer product.

27. Consumer product PR CONSUMPRODX

For creative PR activities around an existing consumer product.

28. Consumer service launch CONSUMSERVL

For creative PR activities around the launch of a consumer service.

29. Consumer service PR CONSUMSERVX

For creative PR activities around an existing consumer service.

30. Country, region and city COUNTRY

For a PR campaign to promote a country, a region or a city.

31. Courage in communication COURAGE

For a PR campaign addressing political upheaval, conflict or natural disaster.

32. Energy and utilities ENERGY

For a PR campaign in the energy, oil, or utilities sector.

33. Event management and live communication EVENT

For the planning and delivery of a successful event with a PR dimension.

34. Fake news FAKE

For a PR campaign countering misinformation or disinformation.

35. Financial services and investor relations FINANCE

For use of PR for a financial product or service or in investor relations.

36. Food and beverage FOOD

For a PR campaign to promote a new or existing food or beverage.

37. Gaming and virtual reality GAME

For a PR campaign that launched a development in the gaming or VR industry.

38. Healthcare HEALTH

For a PR campaign in the pharmaceutical or healthcare industry.

39. Industrials INDUSTRY

For a PR campaign in materials, mining, chemicals, steel and other heavy industry.

40. NGO campaign NGO

For a PR campaign by a charity or non-governmental organisation.

41. Public sector PUBLICSEC

For creative use of PR by a public sector body.

42. Publications PUBLT

For a creative PR publication in print or electronic format.

43. Retail and fashion RETAIL

For a PR campaign in the retail or fashion sector.

44. Small and medium enterprises SME

For a PR campaign by an SME (as defined by the EU ).

45. Sponsorship SPONSOR

For a PR campaign that promoted awareness of sponsorship of an event or activity.

46. Sport SPORT

For a PR campaign to promote sport or exercise for itself or to a community.

47. Technology TECH

For a creative PR campaign in the technology or IT sector.

48. Transport TRANSPORT

For a PR campaign in the automotive or other transport sector.

49. Travel and tourism TRAVEL

For a PR campaign in the travel, hotel or tourism sector.

More information

If you have any questions please email the IPRA secretariat [email protected]

The office is open Monday to Friday from 08.00 to 17.00 GMT.